Introduction to the rabbit hole

I have spent the last ten years on a path. “The rabbit hole”. The need and drive to remove the veil on this physical world . I had spent two years as an atheist . I ended up feeling empty . I remember once ever the world felt like it had lost all colour . I felt as if the world was bland like a stale piece of bread. I decided the best way to find out if there existed a God. The best way was to look for the opposite opposing force. Science states that “for each force there is an opposite opposing force”.

It would be easy to prove that the other exists if one exists . Like a quote in the movie The Usual Suspects “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn’t exist”. Therefore I descended ever more deeper into the rabbit hole . The reason for this site is to share what I can on what I have learnt on this and the other connecting dots to the other world that exists that we cannot see.

Just like the harry potter movie the platform 9 ¾ there is a world that is not meant to be seen and to be known to the normal people. In the movie they call them “muggles” . The clues are all over the place it just needs eyes and ears to hear.

Why you failed me Obama

You failed humanity. The last time the world believed that hard there would ever be a U.S president who cared about peace and making the world better. It was a great time to have a president in America that sounded much biter than anything that we had been used to. Since being a kid watching TV I really liked watching CNN. The first war I saw was Bosnia. It was horrific. Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and now we have Syria, Yemen…. too many countries too much war that the UN could have stopped but did not. I thought you would add your soul pearcing words to your country and the world to end more war.

I felt that now we had a man with conviction and a dream. It was reminiscent of JFK. A president with words that connected with the world. “Yes we can” was the buzz word. The first thing you said you would do is to close Guantanamo a year after you finished your last term it still exists. You helped bail out the banks that created your countries resection. It affected the whole world since the bankers were never punished. Bail outs were not wrong but no one was held accountable for creating a recession that affected the entire world.

You enabled the perfection of drones that. Drones are cheaper than fighters both human and aircraft. I get it. But they are indiscriminate and kill will an abandon that is both weird and disconnected from the drone fighter pilots. They kill much like a video game.

You stirred up the tension that we are seeing in the Asian pacific. You added bases and many more soldiers. No wander North Korea and China act as if they are ready for a World war 3.

Nothing changed just a more eloquent way of phrasing words. You failed me because… you are just words. Words we all needed to hear at the time “Yes we can”





1. the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.

“he has always believed in the importance of symbolism in garden art”

  • symbolic meaning attributed to natural objects or facts.

    “the old-fashioned symbolism of flowers”

2. An artistic and poetic movement or style using symbolic images and indirect suggestion to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind. It originated in late 19th-century France and Belgium, with important figures including Mallarmé, Maeterlinck, Verlaine, Rimbaud, and Redon.

I have come to believe that in this world that we live in there is a lot of symbolism that we sometimes either ignore or are not in a position to understand. An example is logos I have spent time creating logos for clients and the more I did it the more I learnt that logos for companies mean a lot than meet the eyes. An example is some of the logos have a some very repeating themes and patterns some colours are used more than others. At first many years ago I always thought that this was peculiar and that it may just be coincidence. Some logos are based off others in a loose manner but some of the really big companies seem to have some peculiar preference. Also companies are very sensitive to their logos and even an error in printing would cause a rejection of stationary.

I took some time to research on the lines of the other part of reality. “The rabbit hole” like I keep telling my friend. The world of conspiracy theorists and the unseen hand. What I learnt was that there is no coincidence and some people are really into creating these symbols. They litter movies and television but without a trained eye you cannot possibly see them . But the odd thing is they keep repeating and it’s not that hard to see variations in the same. But the most consistent one is the eye on the back of the dollar bill. At first it just looks peculiar and as time passed and I got more into the rabbit hole I realised that the symbol means a whole lot. The symbol of that pyramid on the standard that all other currencies are based on. It’s like a dead ringer to who is in charge and the funny thing is that it just sits in plain sight and most humans on this planet don’t even have the slightest clue what it all means.

The more time I researched the more I learnt that the world is more like Edgar Allan Poe wrote so long ago “a dream with in a dream”. The idea is that the physical is not all there is to life. The other dimension that we will eventually live out the remainder of time is the more real of the two. Too much bashing from TV has most people thinking that the physical is all there is to life but all people of previous generations who are deemed as backward all believed in the unseen reality of the other world.

Back to symbolism. There are many symbols that are broadcast on the TV everyday some that we cannot even get. I wondered what was the point of the group that seems to put in these seeming advertisements in movies were up to. I learnt that it was not meant for the masses the whole thing was meant for the few that had an idea what they meant . Svali (will share link) was asked asked about the dollar bill what she said the eye was to remind you that you are being whatched all the time that is for the select few who had an idea of what the eye meant.


The above image is the great seal and some of the elements in the seal. The date is MDCCLXXVI = 1776 . The year for the foundation of America and also a reshaping of the masonic lodges into the illuminated ones . Allways seems far fetched but if you spend time looking at sysmbolism. The idea is that the 13 steps are the thirteen colonies and the capstone with the all seeing eye is God. But the logo is littered with more symbolisim than would be posible if the seal were just that. The illuminated eye points to the “architect” read Lucifer the light bearer . You can tell from the rays of light that the eye is illuminated. Also there is something sinister about the way the eye does look at you . The prase Annuit Coeptis… Novus Ordo Seclorum” has also been translated “Announcing the arrival of a new secret order of this age.” The fact that anyone would in plain sight advertise themselves to all the world who and what they are working towards is insane . All the symbols in the seal pint to one thing 13 blood lines of the illuminaty and all working towards bringing the of the new age where the end goal is to bring the new order where the capstone will be capped on the pyramid to allow lucifer to rule the new order.

I always wondered if these people are so effective as to add something like this with the masses completely unaware. But so what . What if this is right . How does it affect the life of the individual. If they have been seecretly controling the world as is speculated how then does this afffect me. It has far reaching implications for all on earth . Case in point evolution. Read any scientific litrature . It’s the basis of the definition of most things . from the origin of all the unuiverse and complexity of life . The idea being that all life is accidental . Darwin who came up with the idea was a mason . and like Svali said the illuminati and the masons are just an extension of the other. They have changed over the years the thought of the common man into beliving the world view that we have . We have an entire society that belives that the world is just what it is a physical world and once you die it ends. Science may hint at multiple dimensions but it only goes as far. “The rabbit hole” with all the conspiracy theories points to there being a scinister agenda to rule the world and lead man away from true spiritualisim . It also adresses the issue with why the world is how it is. The world we live in is riddled with senseless wars that have no end. But if you can see it for what it is . A hidden hand that finances both sides of the war to bring about changes in the geopolitical landscape it makes more sense.

If we were truly living in an age that is advanced as we claim there would be no need for wars. The most important thing would be to bring peace and an end to suffering of billions . But this day and age is just filled with greed and an unending search for wealth . This is both not satisfying and leaves people empty inside. The idea is to bring the world to its knees and to have peace we would accept any change that would break the wars and suffering of the common man. Be it a single world government that would bring peace or a leader capable of bringing this to fruition. Take a look at how depressing the new today is . if its not war its senceles deaths and terrorist attacks .

There seems nothing positive in the world that we live in today. The energy crisis that looms in the horizon as we use up all the oil in the earth . Arent we all saddened by the Watergates of the world, dying from environmental pollution. Some are starving from food shortages. We are frightened of a global nuclear war, sick of the moral decay, afraid of the daily news, bankrupted by global monetary fluctuations, unemployed from economic depressions, crowded by the ever present birth rate, frightened by the suspicion that a global weather catastrophe might happen again.